Does COVID-19 Have you Considering the Cloud?

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There is no doubt that COVID-19 has accelerated migration to the cloud for many organizations. With more employees working from different locations and accessing information remotely, nonprofits are migrating to cloud-based technology – and newer, more robust technology – at a rapid pace.


As nonprofits transition to virtual operations, the necessity of anytime, anywhere access has never been more evident. But, how do you know if you organization is ready to take the plunge and how do you choose the right provider?

First, it’s imperative to identify and weigh the benefits of moving to a cloud-based nonprofit accounting solution:

  • Accessibility anywhere, anytime
  • Reliability on vendor expertise for IT support
  • Recovery from disasters
  • Security protection
  • Exceptionally performing software programs
  • Flexibility and scalability
  • Accountability and uptime

Next, it’s time to find the right cloud technology provider for your organization. The ideal partner will have a deep understanding of the challenges nonprofits like yours face and the ability to meet the unique complexities of nonprofit financial management. To learn how to choose the right fund accounting software for your organization, check out our latest guide, Critical Considerations: Your Nonprofit Accounting Fit.


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